
Thursday, October 13, 2011

[Debate] the police Internal Affairs conducted the prosecution from the stage, is it appropriate?

[Debate] the police Internal Affairs conducted the prosecution from the stage, is it appropriate? The last 10 days the Justice Department and the prosecutors and police under investigation narrows in the prosecutor's conduct under investigation stage to receive one of the skeletons of the Criminal Procedure Code Act (Presidential Decree) amendments submitted to the Prime Minister has sparked controversy. According to an amendment of the police Internal Affairs about the information collection and a range of Canvass ...[Debate] the police Internal Affairs conducted the prosecution from the stage, is it appropriate?

Азаров пропонує налягати на кукурудзу

Азаров пропонує налягати на кукурудзу Прем`єр-міністр Микола АЗАРОВ прогнозує добру кон`юнктуру на ринку зерна. Про це він заявив на засіданні економічного прес-клубу, повідомляє прес-служба КМУ. Глава уряду закликав аграріїв завершувати збирання кукурудзи, не боятися вкладати в це кошти, ... Азаров пропонує налягати на кукурудзу

Anne shares apology be accused of sincerity

Anne shares apology be accused of sincerity Penalties for financial fraud by the Commission of Anne shares (002235), was held yesterday afternoon in the panorama online "public apology briefings." But the apology would have investors that the apology will not have much substance, is simply the public company executives, "tai chi" performance of the General Assembly. ...Anne shares apology be accused of sincerity

淘宝向客户 “宣战”

淘宝向客户 核心提示:在商言商,淘宝商城这次"占领淘宝商城"的焦点在于费用涨幅过快。 与自己的客户作战,绝对是件吃力不讨好的事情。但是,今年刚宣布独立运营的淘宝商城,就遭遇了如此难堪的一幕。 乍一看,中小卖家的委屈显而易 ... 淘宝向客户 "宣战"

Survey of SME survival, said the industry is difficult on foot tide

Survey of SME survival, said the industry is difficult on foot tide Wenzhou boss on foot appears to show spreading. October 8, the Shenzhen small photovoltaic industry are more famous boss of his family came on foot up the news, industry outcry. Shenzhen and Wenzhou has a lot of similarities: private enterprises accounted for half of private capital, active, outward-looking economic characteristics of the obvious ... ... what happened in recent months, Wenzhou, Shenzhen, undoubtedly worried. ...Survey of SME survival, said the industry is difficult on foot tide

达信:第三季度保险费率总体平稳 巨灾风险上涨

达信:第三季度保险费率总体平稳 巨灾风险上涨 10月13日,全球领先的保险经纪和风险管理专家达信(Marsh)发布2011年第三季度《全球保险市场更新》,显示保险市场对巨灾风险的承保条件更加严苛,但其他险种的费率有所下滑,因此平均保险费率在过去三个月内相对稳定。总 ... 达信:第三季度保险费率总体平稳 巨灾风险上涨

SEGA and Pokerabo, tie in game development for Sumaho

SEGA and Pokerabo, tie in game development for Sumaho SEGA and Pokerabo 14 announced a capital alliance for the joint development of social games for smartphones. We are partnering with SEGA Pokerabo, Mobage mobile social games for more than 2 million subscribers, "Yutomo shine!" "Samurai Wing" has been developed and operated. ...SEGA and Pokerabo, tie in game development for Sumaho

Multi-family, owner-Jun Li, "on foot", "suspense"

Multi-family, owner-Jun Li, "on foot", "suspense" No advance sign. In costs and operating income declined under the impact, this multi-Jun Li, Shenzhen Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "multi-Jun Li"), owner and his family group "disappeared." The main business of LED full range of products, called the Star line, sales of a billion dollars in 2010, Shenzhen has received in recent years ...Multi-family, owner-Jun Li, "on foot", "suspense"

Parque eólico de Puerto Rico sería el más grande del Caribe

Parque eólico de Puerto Rico sería el más grande del Caribe AP SAN JUAN -- El parque eólico más grande del Caribe será construido en Puerto Rico, en un intento por reducir la dependencia de la isla en el petróleo, informaron autoridades el jueves. El gobernador del Estado Libre Asociado, Luis Fortuño, ... Parque eólico de Puerto Rico sería el más grande del Caribe

Vandals hit courthouse in Keokuk

Vandals hit courthouse in Keokuk AP The South Lee County Courthouse in Keokuk is open again after vandals ransacked the building, breaking some windows and doors and damaging computers and printers. The Daily Gate City newspaper ( says the break-in happened ... Vandals hit courthouse in Keokuk

iPhone4S to Launch

iPhone4S to Launch KDDI (au) and Softbank, Apple's new smartphone rice (feature phones) "iPhone4S" Each major stores begin at 8:00 am on May 14 to sell. iPhone is the first sale of au, which collapsed by Softbank proprietary sales system. ...iPhone4S to Launch

Iraq: Twin Explosions Kill At Least 17 In Sadr City

Iraq: Twin Explosions Kill At Least 17 In Sadr City BAGHDAD — Two explosions in a Shiite neighborhood of eastern Baghdad killed 17 people and wounded around 50 others Thursday night, Iraqi officials said. The blasts in the Sadr City neighborhood, coming a day after attacks across the capital killed 25 ... Iraq: Twin Explosions Kill At Least 17 In Sadr City

G20财长今聚首 苦寻欧债“药物”

G20财长今聚首 苦寻欧债 二十国集团(G20)财长和央行行长会议今日起在法国巴黎举行,本次会议也是今年G20戛纳峰会的准备会议。欧债危机继续威胁全球经济,与会官员将集中讨论并商讨对策。 据海外媒体报道,投资者担心欧债危机从第一阶段的希腊 ... G20财长今聚首 苦寻欧债"药物"

Giovani di destra occupano Campidoglio

Giovani di destra occupano Campidoglio Blitz dei militanti di Casapound. Un centinaio di persone ha fatto irruzione in Campidoglio, occupando Aula Blitz dei militanti di Casapound. Un centinaio di persone ha fatto irruzione in Campidoglio, occupando Aula ROMA - «Blitz» in Campidoglio di ... Giovani di destra occupano Campidoglio

Greenhouse gas reduction goals of energy management company confirmed

Greenhouse gas reduction goals of energy management company confirmed Yijaeseong reporter "gwanrije greenhouse gas energy goals," General Manager of the firm, agency director for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry and the sector, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Transport and Maritime Affairs of the management company in 2012 greenhouse gas emissions and energy goals settlement, announced that 10 days notice. Goal Management Section of the Act on low-carbon green growth schemes based on ...Greenhouse gas reduction goals of energy management company confirmed

道-대구 섬유산업 발전 '맞손'

道-대구 섬유산업 발전 '맞손' 김서연 기자 경기도와 대구광역시가 섬유 산업 발전을 위해 힘을 모으기로 했다. 김문수 도지사와 김범일 대구시장은 13일 오전 대구시 패션디자인개발지원센터 1층 회의실에서 해외 마케팅 지원과 시장정보 공유, 스포츠의료 개발 등을 공동으로 하는 내용의 업무 ... 道-대구 섬유산업 발전 '맞손'

'Indomitable sons' sinaera, after surgical removal of the ovaries 'infertility' has the potential to

'Indomitable sons' sinaera, after surgical removal of the ovaries 'infertility' has the potential to October 12 broadcast MBC Drama 'indomitable sons' ahead of the surgical removal of the ovaries in the Yong Lin fell into trouble. Yong Lin a result of the health screening is a problem with ovarian visited the hospital on the news. Malignant tumors of the ovary, saying that doctors in the "lower abdominal pain in the meantime, you'd never" did he ...'Indomitable sons' sinaera, after surgical removal of the ovaries 'infertility' has the potential to

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